Andy started back at work last night.
He's been off since Indy was born (bar two nights where he had to go to work), so I've not really done a whole lot on my own.
He helps me keep my cool when i'm getting stressed and takes Indy when I need 10 mins for a cup of tea. So now i'm juggling everything, including school runs and making my own tea, and doing it while breastfeeding on demand is the hardest part.
We're trying to partially wean at the moment so I do get a couple of feeds where he'll take a bottle of formula and I can get on and do what I need to. Sometimes he can take an age to finish on the breast. He only has morning bottles though as that's when I'll be working, I want to keep breastfeeding through the afternoons, evenings and nights as i'm actually starting to enjoy it.
I digress.
I'm a bit nervous to be looking after two little ones by myself now instead of just the easy one. And Ozzy was very easy. He can wash and dress himself and apart from making sure he's fed and watered and has some form of entertainment, he could pretty much do as he pleased. He's rarely naughty so I don't have to hover over him with every little thing.
He's started getting a little cheekier now Indy's here so I do have a bit more work where he's concerned.
I just need to get into some sort of rhythm now!
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