I don't know whether i'm all antsy because of my hormones (like lovely hubs suggested) or if I'm actually rightfully angry but it does seem like a lot of my "friends" have changed since I've become pregnant.
I have one friend pretty much ignoring me. She has a 3 year old girl and says that its just not the same because i'm having a boy and she thinks I'm jealous of her. I mean, It was no secret I thought it would be nice to have a girl but I really couldn't give a stuff about gender at the end of the day. I'm excited to be having my little boy and I hate that she's now trying to ruin it for me by saying those things. It's my last baby, I'm trying to enjoy it and screw you if you try to make me feel bad!
My other "friend" is the worst though. She no longer wants to be my friend because...
I'm not married.
She's told me before that I should get married to Andy before I have another baby. I've been with him for about 8 years now and although I do agree that it's about time...It's money we can't afford. Even going for a quickie down the registry office would set us back by just over £100...I can use that £100 for much better things at the moment. I'm £2k in debt that I'm trying to pay off and a baby on the way. It's been 8 years...so what's another 8?!
She doesn't seem to agree though. She had her wedding not long after she found out she was pregnant because she didn't want to "raise the baby alone", and doesn't agree with anyone raising a baby out of wedlock.
I'm not alone. Andy's there. We're as good as married without the bloody piece of paper to prove it.
I'm lucky in that I have one or two friends who are actually there for me and don't judge me for being an unmarried mother or for having a boy. To the rest of you fuckers making my life hell...jog on.