
Thursday, 30 May 2013

26+6 Weeks

I am 26+6 now, everything still hunky dorey and just waiting for time to pass.

It was Oscar's 5th birthday on Tuesday, and it being half term we decided to try to fit in as much as we possibly can this week.

On Saturday we went shopping for picnic food, toys and just general town shopping things. I treated him to a McDonalds and spent a little over a tenner on CAKE! We bought a M&S Colin the Caterpillar one-delish-plus a few cupcakes from the cupcake shop. Then we went home and packed his bag ready to go to Granny and Grandads in Cornwall for the night.
After he was gone, I made up the picnic food, cut Andys hair, made dinner and cleaned the house - which brought us to about 10pm so I went straight to bed!

Then on Sunday,  Granny and Grandad came and picked us up and we went to Paignton Zoo. We met Andys brother Rob and his girlfriend & her kid there too and spent all day walking around checking out the animals and stopping for a picnic next to the croc enclosure.
I have very slight SPD/PGP (which basically means by pubic area will KILL occasionally) so going across the swinging bridge hurt like hell and I spent most of the rest of the day hobbling about ten paces behind everyone else. I was so glad when we got home but it was a really good day.

On Monday, I spent the day cleaning up the house after its total neglect over the busy weekend and we took a quick walk to the shops to get some fresh air and to buy some balloons for the mini birthday party.

So, Tuesday was actual birthday boys birthday. Grandparents came over again to give him his presents and we ate some cake. Then when they left I took Oscar off to go swimming then toy shopping to spend his birthday money. I bought him a sneaky bag of chips while we were out and about but he decided the pigeons begging at his feet needed to eat more than he did. 

Now I need another 4 days to recover from all that hoohaa. I am ZONKED!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

23 Weeks

It's been both boring and eventful the last couple of weeks.

I have the usual pregnancy things going on, gingivitis, infections, heartburn, braxton hicks...

but on the whole there's not a whole lot of baby stuff going down!

Squid is kicking away quite a lot. I like to put objects on my belly and Andy and Ozzy sit and watch my as the object is kicked and prodded and bounces around all over! He's quite low down and every now and then i'll get a punch or kick in my downstairs area! Not all that fun. It also means he's using my bladder as a punch bag which means I have to pee sooooo much more often, which amuses Andy... watching me trying to lift myself off our couch (the thing sucks you in so you can't get back up!) and wobble my way to the toilet.

We've also bought quite a few baby things. We're pretty much done on clothes-except for the cute outfits! Our only real expense before christmas will be cloth nappies, which we're hoping friends and family can contribute to. Then after christmas will be the bigger car seat, a cot, and the point where we start to run out of clothes.

And lastly, we have picked his name. It has been another compromise where we both like the first name, but Andy got to pick the middle name...which at the moment, i'm not too sure on BUT it's the first name that counts and we're happy with it so we're not telling ANYONE! We've had too many people already tell us that they don't like our ideas for his name or trying to offer/push names onto us. This way they can't say anything that can put us off.