
Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Whoops-A-Daisy Angel

Oscar had his school nativity play today, titled "Whoops-A-Daisy Angel".

I unfortunately couldn't go because I had to work. I had to work for his pre-school one last year as well.

He's very good at performing. Last year he had the only speaking part, and this year he was Joseph and had his own solo he had to sing in a song.

He was so excited when he woke up to go to school and he's been practising his songs for weeks now. Even I know all the words.

His Dad got to go and watch it so i'm extremely jealous. I just really hope I can go next year (which I should be able to because I'll be studying instead of working!).

The school are a bit naff and wouldn't let anyone take pictures or videos but they charged me a whole pound coin to get this cute photo of him.
Proud mama.